3D Digital Wellness Scans

Experience the future of dental care with our comprehensive Dental Wellness Scan, an advanced evaluation utilizing digital technology to generate a detailed 3D image of your teeth, gums, and bite. Whether you're addressing a specific concern or simply undergoing a routine checkup, every patient can benefit from this innovative scan. By aiding in treatment planning, creating meticulous digital records, visualizing potential outcomes, and facilitating ongoing monitoring of changes over time, our Wellness Scan revolutionizes the way we approach dental health assessment.


3D Digital Wellness Scans

Experience the future of dental care with our comprehensive Dental Wellness Scan, an advanced evaluation utilizing digital technology to generate a detailed 3D image of your teeth, gums, and bite. Whether you're addressing a specific concern or simply undergoing a routine checkup, every patient can benefit from this innovative scan. By aiding in treatment planning, creating meticulous digital records, visualizing potential outcomes, and facilitating ongoing monitoring of changes over time, our Wellness Scan revolutionizes the way we approach dental health assessment.


3D Digital Wellness Scans

Experience the future of dental care with our comprehensive Dental Wellness Scan, an advanced evaluation utilizing digital technology to generate a detailed 3D image of your teeth, gums, and bite. Whether you're addressing a specific concern or simply undergoing a routine checkup, every patient can benefit from this innovative scan. By aiding in treatment planning, creating meticulous digital records, visualizing potential outcomes, and facilitating ongoing monitoring of changes over time, our Wellness Scan revolutionizes the way we approach dental health assessment.


iTero 5D Scanner

The iTero scanner is a cutting-edge dental technology designed to revolutionize the way we capture impressions of your teeth. Say goodbye to messy, uncomfortable traditional impressions! With the iTero scanner, we can create highly accurate, digital impressions of your teeth and gums quickly and painlessly.

Here's how it works: Using a small, handheld wand, we scan your mouth, capturing detailed 3D images of your teeth and oral structures. As the wand glides over your teeth, it emits harmless laser light, capturing thousands of images per second. These images are then processed by sophisticated software, which constructs a precise digital model of your teeth in real-time.

iTero 5D Scanner

The iTero scanner is a cutting-edge dental technology designed to revolutionize the way we capture impressions of your teeth. Say goodbye to messy, uncomfortable traditional impressions! With the iTero scanner, we can create highly accurate, digital impressions of your teeth and gums quickly and painlessly.

Here's how it works: Using a small, handheld wand, we scan your mouth, capturing detailed 3D images of your teeth and oral structures. As the wand glides over your teeth, it emits harmless laser light, capturing thousands of images per second. These images are then processed by sophisticated software, which constructs a precise digital model of your teeth in real-time.

iTero 5D Scanner

The iTero scanner is a cutting-edge dental technology designed to revolutionize the way we capture impressions of your teeth. Say goodbye to messy, uncomfortable traditional impressions! With the iTero scanner, we can create highly accurate, digital impressions of your teeth and gums quickly and painlessly.

Here's how it works: Using a small, handheld wand, we scan your mouth, capturing detailed 3D images of your teeth and oral structures. As the wand glides over your teeth, it emits harmless laser light, capturing thousands of images per second. These images are then processed by sophisticated software, which constructs a precise digital model of your teeth in real-time.

The iTero Scanner Offers Numerous Benefits

First and foremost, it eliminates the need for messy impression materials, making the process much more comfortable for you. Additionally, digital impressions are incredibly precise, ensuring a perfect fit for dental restorations like crowns, bridges, and aligners.

With the iTero scanner, you can see your digital impressions in real-time, allowing you to visualize your treatment plan and understand the steps involved in your dental care. Plus, since the impressions are digital, they can be easily stored, shared with other healthcare providers, and used for future reference.

The iTero Scanner Offers Numerous Benefits

First and foremost, it eliminates the need for messy impression materials, making the process much more comfortable for you. Additionally, digital impressions are incredibly precise, ensuring a perfect fit for dental restorations like crowns, bridges, and aligners.

With the iTero scanner, you can see your digital impressions in real-time, allowing you to visualize your treatment plan and understand the steps involved in your dental care. Plus, since the impressions are digital, they can be easily stored, shared with other healthcare providers, and used for future reference.

Get Your Wellness Scan

The iTero scanner streamlines the dental impression process, providing you with a more comfortable, efficient, and precise dental experience. Schedule an appointment with our office to get your 3D Digital Wellness Scan.


Get Your Wellness Scan

The iTero scanner streamlines the dental impression process, providing you with a more comfortable, efficient, and precise dental experience. Schedule an appointment with our office to get your 3D Digital Wellness Scan.

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