If you’re diabetic, you probably know how important it is to eat a nutritious diet and to exercise. Doing so helps keep your disease under control. However, it’s just as important to keep gums healthy by practicing good oral hygiene. 

Since November is Diabetes Awareness Month, it’s an especially good time to remind you of the connection between diabetes and gum disease. This short video does a good job of explaining it. Gum disease increases your blood sugar and makes it more difficult to manage your condition. 

Gum care is important, whether you’re diabetic or not. Fortunately, it’s not too tough to prevent gum disease. Brush at least twice a day and floss at least once. And visit our Austin, TX office every six months for an exam and cleaning

Our professional cleanings remove the bacteria that you may have missed with your daily hygiene at home. If we detect any signs of gum disease during your exam, we can treat it in its early stages – before it adversely affects your oral health and overall health. 

If you notice any signs of gum disease, call us ASAP, so we can address it before your next routine visit. Symptoms include chronic bad breath, gums that appear red instead of pink, and bleeding gums. 

Keep gums healthy! Call Austin Elite Smiles today at 512-640-0476 to schedule an appointment. You can also request an appointment online.